20 months | Credit Hours: 30-33 (M.Ed. SLM)
24 months | Credit Hours: 36 (M.Ed. SLM/IT)

The Master of Education in Instructional Technology, Media, & Design program with a concentration in School Library Media is designed to prepare individuals to serve as building-level school library media specialists (also known as “school librarians”) in PK-12 schools.

  • The M.Ed. SLM program is for those candidates who are not currently certified teachers or for those who are certified teachers but are needing a Master's degree and SLM Certification.
  • The M.Ed. SLM/IT program is for those who are currently certified teachers but need a Master's degree and would like to also earn IT certification along with their SLM certification.

Program Highlights:

  • 100% online courses facilitated by experienced online instructors 
  • Low or no cost textbooks
  • Coursework focused exclusively on the PK-12 instructional program 
  • Relevant, real-world learning experiences designed to prepare students to serve in both face-to-face and virtual environments
  • Multiple full-time faculty with extensive experience serving as PK-12 building-level media specialists and district-level media/technology coordinators
  • Coursework aligned to the ALA/AASL/CAEP School Librarian Preparation Standards (2019) 
  • Out-of-state candidates may be eligible to obtain initial Media Specialist certification in Georgia
  • Many graduates are state and national award winners and serve in leadership roles in the greater school library and instructional technology fields
  • Flexible field experience requirement - for more information, click here.
  • Option for Georgia educators to add coursework leading to GaPSC-approved endorsements


For more information, please see the Academic Catalog. A program sheet, which provides a required coursework sequence, is available for download in the Courses tab below.

Start Your Journey Today


Prospective students must hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution to be admitted to the program.

The program consists of 30 semester hours of graduate coursework. Students exit the program with a Master of Education degree in Instructional Technology, Media, & Design and eligibility for a GaPSC level 5 Standard Professional Media Specialist certificate (after passing the GACE Media Specialist content exam).  

Students that hold Georgia professional teaching certification may enroll in the Dual SLM/IT M.Ed. program option. This option consists of 36 semester hours and includes additional coursework that will enable the student to exit the program with eligibility for a GaPSC Instructional Technology certificate (after passing the GACE Instructional Technology content exam). 

Contact: media@youqingbao.com

Career Opportunities

PK-12 Media Specialist
PK-12 School Librarian
PK-12 Teacher Librarian

Program Location


Method of Delivery

Coursework is 100% online.


The University of West Georgia is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

The School Library Media program is approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC).

Credit and transfer

Total semester hours required: 30-36

Graduate students may be able to reduce their cost through prior learning, previous degrees earned at 在线博彩, or transfer credits. We have created a tool to help students estimate their tuition costs.                

This program is offered entirely online. Though a student may choose to sign-up for a face-to-face elective or core course, one can earn this degree completely online.

Save money

在线博彩 is often ranked as one of the most affordable accredited university of its kind, regardless of the method of delivery chosen. In addition, online courses and programs can mean a huge cost-savings in many non-evident ways: No more high gas charges. No childcare needed. The flexibility can allow one to maintain a job while attending school. Regardless of state residency, out-of-state non-resident students are not charged non-resident tuition for online course credit hours.


  • Total tuition costs and fees may vary, depending on the instructional method of the courses in which the student chooses to enroll.
  • The more courses a student takes in a single term, the more they will typically save in fees and total cost.
  • Face-to-Face or partially online courses are charged at the general tuition rate and all mandatory campus fees, based on the student's residency (non-residents are charged at a higher rate).
  • Fully or entirely online course tuition rates and fees my vary depending on the program. Students enrolled in exclusively online courses do not pay non-Resident rates.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • One word of caution: If a student takes a combination of face-to-face and online courses in a single term, they will pay both all mandatory campus fees and the higher eTuition rate.
  • For the cost information, as well as payment deadlines, see the Student Accounts and Billing Services website

There are a variety of financial assistance options for students, including scholarships and work study programs. Visit the Office of Financial Aid's website for more information.



  • Option 1: Traditional Program - School Library Media Certification Program Sheet [pdf, 149Kb]
  • Option 2: Dual Program - School Library Media Certification & Instructional Technology Certification (Applicants must hold current GA induction or professional teaching certification in any field to enroll in Option 2) Program Sheet [pdf, 127Kb]

This course provides an in-depth study of the major cognitive and behavioral theories of classroom learning. Emphasis will be placed on enabling teachers and counselors to better understand how students learn; on helping educators identify and remove barriers that impede student learning; and on helping educators develop, utilize and advocate teaching practices, programs, and curriculum that lead to academic success for all. Theories of motivation, classroom management practices, and belief systems that promote learning will also be addressed.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

Students will become successful consumers of research through the introduction of principles of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods designs. Within these categories of research, students will learn the foundations of action research and single subject research.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

This course provides an overview of the roles of the school library media specialist with a focus on the roles of leader and program administrator. Students will learn procedures in planning, administering, and evaluating school library media programs.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

This course provides an overview of the information, media, and digital literacies that form the foundation of the information specialist role of the school library media specialist.

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This course focuses on the reading and evaluation of Children's and Young Adult literature and information resources in a variety of formats for use within a school library program. In the role of teacher, students will evaluate, design, and engage in a variety of activities to promote the reading of children and young adult literature. In the role of instructional partner, they will collaborate with educators to reinforce literacy instruction in addressing the diverse needs and interests of all learners.

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This is an introduction to the criteria of evaluation and the tools and techniques used in the role of program administrator for selecting, organizing and curating all types of resources for school library media centers.

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This course prepares candidates to serve as instructional leaders in media in PK-12 schools. Candidates will use a systematic instructional design process and research-based professional learning practices to develop learning experiences that meet the needs of diverse learner populations in both physical and virtual environments.

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This course provides an introduction to the role of the school library media specialist in regards to integrating technology effectively for teaching and learning in the school. The course will focus on the information specialist role and leading technology integration efforts, as well as selecting and evaluating digital resources, and collaborating as an instructional partner with school faculty so they can effectively use technology.

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This course focuses upon implementation of and reflection upon school library media program learning outcomes. Documentation of all volunteer field experiences completed throughout the program will be compiled. An online portfolio will be developed and prepared for sharing with peers and instructors. This course must be taken during the last semester of the program.

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Study of IDEA regulations, including the characteristics and identification of students with exceptionalities and appropriate supportive techniques/resources to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities in the regular classroom. The course examines evidence based teaching strategies for students with exceptionalities, including the latest research on the teaching of reading.The course meets the state requirement for a course in the Identification and Education of Exceptional Children by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and satisfies Georgia House Bill 671. Students must earn a grade of "B" or better in SPED 6701, or department approved alternative to fulfill the special education requirement of Georgia House Bill No. 671 and be recommended for educator certification in Georgia. The grade requirement of "B" or better is effective 07/01/2019.

View Instructors, Syllabi and Other Details

Melissa Johnston, Ph.D.

Melissa Johnston, Ph.D.


Jessica M. Lilly, Ed.D., M.L.S. (2)

Jessica M. Lilly, Ed.D., M.L.S. (2)

Assistant Professor

Laura Sheneman, Ed.D

Laura Sheneman, Ed.D


Jessica Thompson, Ed.D.

Jessica Thompson, Ed.D.

SLM Program Coordinator/Lecturer

Guidelines for Admittance

  • All graduate applicants must complete the online Grad Application. A one-time application fee of $40 is required.
  • Applicants should also review the Graduate Studies Website for individual program specific requirements and tasks that must be completed prior to admission. See Graduate Studies Application Process.
  • International applicants are subject to additional requirements and application deadlines. See Procedures for International Students.
  • Official transcripts from all institutions attended are required and should be sent directly to the 在线博彩 Graduate Admissions Office.

Program Specific Admittance Guidelines

  • Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • GPA of 2.7 or higher in most recent degree
  • Applicants with out-of-state teaching certificates must contact their home state's certification body to determine eligibility for certificate upgrade upon completion of the program at 在线博彩.

Application Deadlines

Specific Graduate Admissions Deadlines are available via the Graduate School

* Application, app fee, and document deadline

See The Scoop for more specific deadlines.

Admission Process Checklist

The Graduate Studies Application Process checklist is available here

NOTE: Online students may qualify for a term-by-term exemption to the immunization policy. Contact the Immunization Clerk for more information.


Graduate Admissions

Department of Educational Technology & Foundations

Specific Graduate Admissions Deadlines are available via the Graduate School

* Application, app fee, and document deadline; Dates may vary for Readmit, Transfer, and Transient students.

See The Scoop for more specific deadlines.

  • Candidates demonstrate content knowledge and skills.
  • Candidates implement learning opportunities for all students.
  • Candidates demonstrate professional dispositions.
  • Candidates demonstrate ability to serve needs of diverse populations including special needs.